

Huayang Tian, Hongkui Zhang , Huaqiu Huang , Yu'e Zhang and Yongbiao Xue. Phase separation of S‐RNase promotes self‐incompatibility in Petunia hybrida. JIPB, Month 2023 1–21 [PDF]
Yilin Xie, Songbei Ying , Zijuan Li, Yu’e Zhang, Jiafu Zhu,Jinyu Zhang, MeiyueWang, Huishan Diao, HaoyuWang,Yuyun Zhang,Luhuan Ye, Yili Zhuang, Fei Zhao, Wan Teng,Wenli Zhang , Yiping Tong, Jungnam Cho , Zhicheng Dong,Yongbiao Xue & Yijing Zhang. Transposable element-initiated enhancerlike elements generate the subgenomebiased spike specificity of polyploid wheat. Nature Communications 2023 14:7465 [PDF]
Sihui Zhu , Yu’e Zhang , Lucy Copsy, Qianqian Han , Dongfeng Zheng,Enrico Coen  and Yongbiao Xue .The Snapdragon Genomes Reveal the Evolutionary Dynamics of the S-Locus Supergene.  Mol. Biol. Evol. 40(4): April 4, 2023 [PDF]
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